Monday, March 5, 2012

Queen of the Sun - Explaining Colony Collapse Disorder and Man's Dependance on Bees

Bees are as Amazing as they are Beautiful! Don't you agree?

As some of you know, there's a great film out at the moment that recently won 10 IFF Awards. It's a fantastic documentary about bees from the same director who brought you The Real Dirt On Farmer John. I'll include the trailer and some stills that came with my press kit though. If you are interested in watching it, and I hope you are, it's available as a DVD or for instant watch here. To download is about $15 but you can rent it on vudu for as little as $4.

For anyone interested in bees, pollinators in general or colony collapse disorder, this is a must watch. It's certainly not all gloom and doom either. Some of the people you'll meet are funny and quite optimistic that things can be improved. Briefly, it a look at man's relationship with bees over the past 10,000 years from humble beginnings to commercial operations and back to individual beekeepers. The focus isn't just on the US either but takes a look at how bees work to preserve an ecological balance all over the world. It explores, sympathetically, how large scale operations are coping with the losses of so many colonies each year and how small organic farmers are maintaining their hives while still dealing with the threats of pesticides, disease and parasites. Everything from alternative hive styles to natural parasite control. There really is a rich and seldom appreciated work going on by bees the world over and this movie will open your eyes. Highly recommended.

Queen of the Sun: What are the Bees Telling Us? - Official Theatrical Trailer (HD) from Taggart Siegel on Vimeo.

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