Not necessarily as it turns out. Big businesses are out to make profits...that's what businesses do.
Buying food from local producers that you know, that will let you look around the place (unless they're bio-secure as many animal operations are), that will tell you where, when and how all your foods are produced and marketed or delivered, is the only way, besides growing it yourself, that you can be guaranteed to know exactly what's in it. And that's important to many people. This is one of the reasons that local food sources are important. As consumers we think we're educated. That buying organic food is better for us. And that the word 'organic' means something special. But of course the regulations all over the world can vary widely. Say...between China and the US. So doing some investigation on what's in your food and where's it from can be interesting if you're really wanting to understand what you're eating.
Avery's Farm Markets (A big outfit in Nova Scotia) get a huge percentage of their produce from the regular wholesale supply chains. They don't grow or buy it all locally. Though a lot of regular shoppers believe that they do indeed grow it all. (Not sure about the bananas growing in Canada).
Whole Foods, a major chain in the US was just investigated by the local news team for selling improperly labelled certified organic foods from China. It seems they have all the correct logos in place without the paper trail and inspections from the certifying bodies. Here's the video.
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