Friday, November 25, 2011

Top 3 In The News this week Environmental Change, Community for Farmers and Optimism

I said I'd post some interesting things I read in the news this week. So here are my top 3. The first one I think is really relevant to all farmers. Stephen and I genuinely like working together and don't suffer the extent of isolation that many other farmers do simply because we have a larger family and we are actively involved in our Church community. That feeling of belonging and friendship really helps us to combat the sense of being outside looking in that many of us kooky and weird farmers have. We're growing animals on organic pastures and growing our crops in different ways than our neighbours. To some of our neighbours they can't decide who we are. For example, we sound like hippies but we don't smoke pot and we're neat and clean shaven, we attend church but we're LDS and not Anglican or Baptist, we are farmers but also run a small business and work in town, we really don't fit in anywhere. We're just us, the Faires Family, and there's really not much to gossip about as we lead fairly simple lives devoid of intrigue. This is probably why we have such a mix of friends. Both old and young, intelligent, funny, easy-going, you name it. Preppers, intellectuals, welders, DJ's, military officers, janitors, I think it doesn't matter what your outside is like, it's your heart. So will you be my friend?

This second one could have been a real downer to watch. It's about how the weather has affected farmers, particularly in England. More rain in the Spring, not enough in the Summer, too warm in the Autumn but rather than dwelling in his problems with filling his water storage for irrigating his crops, he sees it as a challenge and is optimistic. What a good way to live your life.

And finally, the Earth Summit happened 20 years ago. And out of it came the real beginnings of public awareness and change towards the environment. Some good and some bad. This article points out 20 ways the world has changed over the past 20 years. The pictures show how things were then and now. Use the arrow keys below the China Pearl River Delta to see more photos and slide the margin in the centre of the picture back and forth to compare the differences.

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