Hang up all the laundry to dry on the line
Get the new roof top tent built for our utility trailer
Paint the trailer ready for our long journey in 9 days
And so the ground dries up a bit, it's still like walking in a swamp.
It's pretty early right now, just after 5am. I've been awake for a while just thinking about all the things I have to do today and this week. And thinking about the move in general. It's exciting and stressful and also makes me feel a little apprehensive too. It's not easy to start all over again when you're a bit shy, but of course I know it will all work out in the end.
The kids are definitely getting ready for the move. We got all their stuff out of the Prowler yesterday so that we can get it cleaned, photographed, and listed for sale on Craigslist and Kijiji. Any money we can get for it will go towards new tyres for the utility trailer and into the general moving fund.
It's starting to sink in that we're leaving now because we're saying goodbye to our friends. We had a nice dinner al fresco with Garry and Vicki and their son Corry last night and talked about how even our dogs will miss each other. They had a good chase and wrestle in the grass and we humans had a nice visit. I think Steve was exhausted from a long day because by 9pm he'd dozed off so we let him sleep for a bit while the rest of us just visited. Meghan was at a sleepover at her friend Autumn's so she was having her own fun. She should be back this morning before 8am.
All our food storage is now here and available for sale. There's lots of wheat, oats, beans and other goodies if yo want to add to your emergency food. Come on by! We'll give you a fantastic deal!
And I have boxes of fabric available for free if anyone is interested.
I think I'm going to read for a few minutes. I'm reading 'The Immortal Prince' and 'The Fat of the Land' right now and finished 'The 5 People You Meet In Heaven'
The fat of the land: Family farming on five acres
The next book I want to get is this one:
Have a great day everyone!
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