We spent all day in court and we're not done yet, but mostly. I typed up the order and now I have to wait to get my signed copy from Stephen's ex in the morning, then I'll file it with the court to get it signed and finalized. I'll tell you some court stories tomorrow or the next day, tonight I'm physically and emotionally drained.
Tomorrow will be the day when I lose the precious little mind I have left after today and you'll be able to watch my descent into madness. We're getting haircuts in the morning and then having Stephen's sisters for lunch. Then picking up our goat and carpet cleaner. And having our red
van towed. And after all that we have to still empty the storage lockers, finish the trailer wheels and body, make the canvas, sort out and re-pack all our belongings, donate anything that won't fit, do a couple of runs to the dump, de-flea all the animals and set up their kennels into the box we have yet to build, and then on top of all that, we have to do some mechanical repairs on the white van like the timing belt. I believe that tomorrow is going to need 36 hours, not the usual 24. It's looking like we'll be here later on Wednesday than we planned but hopefully still leaving that day.

So I'm going to do dishes and sort out some of the stuff in the motorhome. Maybe I'll work until 11 and then get some sleep to see if I can avoid going crazy before lunchtime tomorrow. Steve was working on something outside but has been chatting to our daughter Lynne and it's since gotten dark. That's ok. We can start earlier in the morning if the Court is open.
Good Night All!
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